Thank you for checking me out!
I’m Tzvi Kessel, Abundance Mindset Coach, (Money Mindset, Business Mindset, and Health Mindset) here to help you reach your Business Goals.
Reaching goals isn’t all about doing, it’s also about shifting the Mindset.
You may ask how health affects business growth, quite simply if we feel healthy we tend to have healthier thoughts for Abundance to come in.
Like the same thing that can stop us or holds us back can be changed to allow all the valuable Abundance to flow in.
I have been on a personal journey for over 20 years to understand how to shift from Limiting Beliefs to Abundance Belief.
Back in Australia I had a highly successful Engineering business and in the US a successful Health insurance agency and also some other businesses were not so successful. This lead me to want to understand what is the root cause of Success.
Once I connected the dots my eyes opened up to a whole new way of thinking.
My mission is to share and help as many people reach their personal and business goals.